I want to send orders all over Brazil! - Total Express
ícone de caixa com setas apontando para dentro e para fora dentro de um círculo. o círculo está conectado a outros menores através de linhas em zigue zague

For your e-commerce

With Total you have 100% guaranteed orders, online tracking, complete infrastructure and more! We deliver all over Brazil and offer the best experience, from pick up to delivery, for small, medium and large e-commerces.

ícone de caixa

Perfect solution for new e-commerces

Total has the perfect solution for your business! Along with sales platforms, customs pick-up is performed automatically and the tracking code is sent by the tool. Your delivery is conducted on a safe and efficient way.
Choose the best option for you:

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For all types of business

We are ready to help you in any business! When it comes to delivery and storage logistics, we are specialists in complete and customizable solutions for your company. Check out our services:

How can we help?

We are Express in connecting solutions to your needs, count on us!

Ilustração da Eva, assistente virtual da Total Express, segurando uma caixa de papelão