I want to deliver - Total Express
ícone de caixa dentro de um círculo. o círculo está conectado a outros menores através de linhas em zigue zague

We value our


Foto de homem com o uniforme da Total Express e máscara respiratória segurando uma caixa de papelão com o logotipo da empresa

Learn how to become
a partner driver

To become a partner driver, download the ICS – Delivery app from the Play Store (available for Android only). It’s very easy from there!

After registering, you may select the region you want to work in, and which vehicle you will use for deliveries (car/motorcycle or truck). Take your driver’s license and vehicle document, among others, to complete your registration!

The app will ask you to take a good photo of all the documents mentioned above, and you will also need to send a selfie. (!) Attention: Do not wear a mask, glasses or cap on your selfie.

After completing these steps, simply inform a residential address, validate the information entered and click on “Send”. Simple, isn’t it?

After registering on the app, just wait for Total Express to contact you and become a delivery partner, increasing your earnings with the largest e-commerce courier in Brazil!

To download the app, click on the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.total.motorista

or Scan the QR Code on the side. (QR Code link https://totalexpress.com.br/trabalhe-conosco/)