For your E-commerce - Total Express
ícone com três caixas dentro de um círculo. o círculo está conectado a outros menores através de linhas em zigue zague

Perfect delivery for
new e-commerces

With Total you have 100% guaranteed orders, online tracking, complete infrastructure and much more! We deliver throughout Brazil and offer the best experience, from collection to delivery, for small, medium and large e-commerces.

The best services for
large demands

Strong enough to support your demand! We carry out more than 850,000 deliveries a day, serve 3,500 municipalities directly, 800 cities with express delivery of up to 48 hours, complete infrastructure and much more! Total has the capacity for the size of your need. Check out our solutions and come to the largest carrier specialized in e-commerce in Brazil, with almost 30 years of experience!

How can we help?

We are Express in connecting solutions to your needs, count on us!

Chat with our Virtual assistant

Ilustração da Eva, assistente virtual da Total Express, segurando uma caixa de papelão